
Cadets usually meet from September through April on Friday evenings — other than a few scheduled nights off — at the church, from 7:00 – 9:00pm.

The goal of the Cadet Program is to encourage and lead boys between the ages of 10 and 14 to grow spiritually in all areas of life – devotional, mental, physical, and social.

A typical Cadet meeting starts with opening exercises including Bible reading and prayer. The boys then break into their cadres with their counsellors to do further Bible study. The last part of the evening is spent doing a variety of badges, or small projects designed by the counsellors. Each year we participate in the annual Snow Derby in February and the Cadet-A-Ree in April with other United Reformed Churches that form the Berean Cadet Council.

Send a message to our Head Counsellor Joel Bos if you would like more details regarding our Cadet program.