
We would encourage you to explore some of the resources that are available on this page. We’re seeking to make meaningful, accessible literature available to you. Our prayer is that these resources would help you to love Christ more; not only with your heart but also with your mind.

Please be aware that some of these links will take you to third-party sites. We offer these as recommendations but encourage you to exercise discernment as you make use of the resources available there.

We hope to continue to add to the resources available on our website as time permits but we do want to note that web resources are only just the first step in learning more. Visiting our church regularly and getting in touch with the pastor, the elders, or church members will tell you more about the Zion URC of Sheffield than we can hope to cover on this site.

URC Learning

URC Learning is a joint project of four congregations in the United Reformed Churches in North America. It has excellent audio resources and an array of lessons designed as introductions to Reformed theology and the biblical faith.

Understanding the Gospel: The New City Catechism

Check out The Gospel Coalition’s recently released instructional materials. The New City Catechism is a series of 52 questions and answers that has recently been developed to help you come to know the beauty and richness of our catholic Christian faith. It can easily be used for family, group, or individual study.